tugas bahasa inggris pengantar bisnis 1

13 11 2009

Bunaken Sea Garden


The world famous Bunaken Marine National Park, with an area 75.26 hectares, is located very close to Manado and comprises of 5 islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Siladen, Mantehage and Nain.

The superb diving and snorkelling site put the Marine Park in the top 10 dive areas of the world and it is a mecca for seasoned divers and beginners alike. Wall diving offers a spectacular drop off 100’s of meters deep and the warm water is particularly inviting.

But it is the diversity of sea life to be found around the Park that attracts divers from around the world. If you are a fan of big pelagic fish down to the smallest anemone, whatever your fascination, you certainly won’t be disappointed. For those who are avid underwater photographers be sure to bring countless rolls of film, photo opportunities abound.

The variety of fish and other marine life often seen include: Napoleon Wrasse, Angelfish, Turtles, Blue Ribbon Eels, Stingrays, Eagelrays, Snappers, Groupers, and Sharks to name a few. Ther are hundreds of other species too numerous to list but easily located at a variety of sites.

There is now a number of professional dive operators in and around Manado with well-trained staff and a commitment to safety. Accommodation is available at most dive operations and full packages including equipment hire and meals are extremely competitive.



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